Ben Ledi – pulsating mountain
temporal voids of cerulean blue – ice holes, pulsating – falling apart rapidly plummeting
High Bridges – Walking Drawing Tokyo West from Naka Meguro
along suspended riverblocked by oncoming vertical flyovernanamemeeting high polished walls isolating the residential worldfloating gardens flowing into alloy platforms intertwined shafts, containers hummingneutral perimetersemerging and reshaping the ground and drawing […]
Mountains walking – Ben Lui quartz and snow lines
super clear water streaminggravel growing tiny trees roots flowing into crumpled steel sitting on dry river stonesup and running momentarily slow walking sun-dazed meandering in and out of the waterfall […]
Walking and Drawing, Cairngorms, Scotland, Part 2
snow flakes dancing around in the sunlight finished no more haiku just footstep after footstep
Walking and Drawing, Cairngorms, Scotland, Part 1
fractured not disassociated edges of chaos Heading up through Glen Tilt we found piles of old logs and bare wood, massive tyre tracked and gouged layers of mud. A brief […]
Tracks, trails, omens
Has been a long winter in Scotland and have been out through various trails. Wandering through these half forgotten, foggy forestry roads in the hills. Spider webs and open voids, […]