drawing & painting
Season’s Greetings ❄☃
Hope you are keeping cosy and wishing you a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and New Year holiday Here is my Season’s Greetings card, an an abstracted view (actually a few […]
Renga: place and time entwined
Exhibition organised by Margaret Kerr 5th – 25th November 2023Green Gallery, Dundee University Botanical Gardens About this exhibition This exhibition features work by eight artists who spent an August weekend […]
Season’s Greetings ❄️
Hope you are keeping well and wishing you a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and New Year holiday ☃️ 最近の2021年のアートワークは絵と写真と書道といろいろ。 I’ve been fortunate to practice different styles of Shodo calligraphy, jazzy […]
Remembering the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
It is now ten years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. We wish to send our warm wishes to all those still very much affected in […]
Season’s Greetings スコットランドから❄️
I hope you are keeping well and wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas and New Year holiday ☃️ With kind wishes for 2021, Year of the Cow […]
Twisting branches, fading spaces – sumi-e ink painting
I worked outside in the North of Glasgow with my friend artist Margaret Kerr, painting in my large sketchbook a 水墨画 suibokuga ink painting (style is also called sumi-e) of […]
Vista painting and punky rocks at Traprain Law
It was peaceful working with artist Margaret Kerr (please have a look at her beautiful and mesmerizing work: @megkerr245 on Instagram) in East Lothian – Margaret kindly invited me over […]
Kusen 255 collaboration with John Fraser
Dragons see palaces (heavy rain is falling) In the Mountains and Waters Sutra, Dogen says that when human beings see water, fish and dragons see palaces. He doesn’t say that […]